Le cours de l’American Mortgage a plongé de 90 %

15640372_pLe cours de l’American Mortgage a plongé de 90%

Corporate Overview
Exchange NYSE (US Dollar)
Price : $1.04
Change (%) : Stock is Down 9.43 (-90.07%)
Volume 30,920,069
Data as of 07/31/07 3:59 p.m. ET

Regardez, l’url, mais je n’y suis pour rien 😉 http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=68091&p=irol-IRHome

« American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. (NYSE: AHM) is a mortgage real estate investment trust (REIT) focused on earning net interest income from self-originated loans and mortgage-backed securities, and, through its taxable subsidiaries, from originating and selling mortgage loans and servicing mortgage loans for institutional investors. Mortgages are originated through a network of loan production offices and mortgage brokers as well as purchased from correspondent lenders, and are serviced at the Company’s Irving, Texas servicing center. » About American Home Mortgage Investment Corp

La bulle immobilière affecte particuliers, banques… (1/2)

…et l’économie américaine ? 2/2

Et elle affecte les promoteurs ! Un constructeur rate son rachat 3/3

(6 commentaires)

  1. « La Bourse de New York a terminé mardi en nette baisse, les craintes concernant le marché du crédit ayant refait surface, masquant de bonnes nouvelles concernant l’inflation et la confiance des consommateurs: l’indice Dow Jones a perdu 1,10% et le Nasdaq a cédé 1,43%. »

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