Dr Housing… ausculte et comptabilise les pertes (en U$)

111445254« $5 Trillion in Housing Wealth Gone: The Impact of the Housing Bubble Bursting

A sane person surrounded by insanity will at some point, question his or her own mental health. Examining the past decade of housing especially from Southern California, the epicenter of the housing bubble, you begin to question economic fundamentals and simple rules of finance. At this point, we are reaching the overdue housing correction. We will look at the past decade of housing and address the following issues: income, inflation, rental rates, bubble specific regions, and the public policy issue of bursting the bubble. Source : Dr housing bubble

Housing has created immense wealth in the economy and has propelled us out of a brief recession earlier in the decade. Yet this wealth was created on an illusion of easy credit. It is estimated that the housing bubble has created 5 trillion additional dollars of wealth as compared to a scenario where housing kept pace with inflation. This is important to note because historically, housing has only kept pace with inflation as an investment. When you have certain areas up 80 percent in real terms as the Center for Economic Policy Research has showed, we have speculation and not normal growth. »

Quand la retraite aux USA, c’est pas ça…

Les prix du neuf, stables, rejoignent ceux de l’ancien

Conférence : perspectives de l’immobilier US et européen