Prêts immobiliers en 2008 aux USA, c’est pas ça !

0098787_2Voici un petit texte trouvé sur internet, qui mêle anticipation et humour noir. Un mélange explosif !

« Mortgages on real estate are now obsolete. After the great crash of October 2008, when billions of dollars of mortgages went into default, ruining banks and other financial firms, nobody wants to hold real estate mortgages any more. The failure of central banking, which fueled the speculative boom which then collapsed, is now also recognized. Land is now owned by shareholders of Land Rent Trusts, and buildings are owned by Improvements Partnerships. Each facet of real estate is how held by companies that specialize in that aspect, such as land rent, land appreciation, property leasing, and ownership of buildings. Financial derivatives such as options, futures contracts, and mutual funds, have spread the risks, profits, and tax shelters throughout the economy. » Source

Immobilier US : la fin du boom ?

Immobilier US : il redescend sur terre

Le marché immobilier US se fige

(4 commentaires)

  1. I don’t speak english very well,
    si quelqu’un (d’autre que Marie, elle a pas le temps, laissez-là tranquille! 😉 ) avait la temps/l’envie de traduire???

  2. Merci Oggy, oui, je dois faire le dîner car… je ne suis pas mariée avec le blog 😉 hé hé !
    Le texte est complexe, il faut avouer. Si personne n’y arrive je m’y collerai.
    Le premier paragraphe dit qu’après de nombreux impayés, plus personne ne voulait se lancer dans les prêts immobiliers (trop risqués ?).

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