merci beaucoup à 24H Gold pour sa nouvelle présentation, qui donne accès à l’ensemble des articles du support !
ou en est le projet du gazoduc Iran-Pakistan-Inde (IPI)?
désolée, je n’avais pas vu votre question, je vous tiens au courant.
A mon avis , les récents évenements au Tibet ne sont peut être pas totalement à dissocier.
Successful completion of South Pars phases 4&5 gas field in Iran
Source: 4/16/2005, Location: Middle East
Eni has successfully completed the South Pars phases 4 & 5 gas field development. The project workscope includes: construction and installation of two offshore wellhead platforms, drilling of 24 gas production wells, laying of two 32 sealines (100 km each in length) to transport gas to shore and construction of a gas processing plant at Assaluyeh on the Persian Gulf (250 km south-east of Bushehr).
The completion of South Pars phases 4 & 5 is another important project successfully delivered by Eni and this has been achieved in advance of the schedule defined within the Service Contract – declared Eni
Iranian South Pars field is the northern extension of Qatar’s giant North Field. It covers an area of 500 square miles and is located 3,000m below the seabed at a water depth of 65m. The Iranian side accounts for 10% of the world’s and 60% of Iran’s total gas reserves. Iran’s portion of the field contains an estimated 436 trillion ft³.
The field is planned to be developed in around 30 phases, each of which will require an initial investment of around $1 billion. The first 12 phases of the development are underway and will have the capacity of 1 billion ft³ and 40,000 barrels of condensate per day.
The $770 million development is operated by Petropars (NIOC Pension Fund 60%, Industrial Development and Renovation Organisation 40%). Around $300 million of contracts were signed with Samsung and Sadra. The first stage is slated for early 2003 with a total output of 1bcf/d of gas, 40,000b/d of gas condensates.
The $2 billion development came on stream in 2002. In total, the two identical unmanned platforms, SPD 3 and SPD 4, were placed in 65m of water. Each platform receives gas from ten deviated wells, all located within a radius of 3,000m. The platforms are linked to the onshore treatment system by two 32in diameter, 105km-long multiphase lines. It initially produced 13.5 million ft³/d of gas rising to 60 million ft³/d.
It will eventually be ramped up with the second and third phases of the project to an output of approximately 2bcf/d of natural gas and 80,000b/d of condensates. The field is operated by TotalFinaElf (40%) on behalf of Petronas (30%) and Gazprom (30%).
Phases four and five are expected to be completed by 2006. The field will be operated by ENI (under a buyback contract) with Petropars holding the remaining 40%.
Phases Six to Eight cost a total of $2.65 billion. The field was appraised by a three-well programme in 2001, estimating the field to contain 3 billion ft³/d gas, 120,000b/d condensate and 3,300t/d LPG.
The phase is operated by Statoil on behalf of its Iranian partner Petropars, which is operator for land side of the development. The group will be responsible for constructing three production platforms for installation about 100km from land. It will also lay a 31in pipeline from each of these facilities to a gas treatment plant on the Iranian coast.
Condensate and liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) will be separated from the gas stream at the treatment plant and exported via a new terminal being constructed nearby. The lean gas will be transported through a 500km pipeline to the Agha Jari field for injection as pressure support to help maintain oil production.
Plans call for the first stage of the project to come on stream in late 2004, with the third and final phase due to start production by the summer of 2006.
Phases Nine to 12 were bid for in 2001. The $1.6 billion contract to develop Phases nine and ten was awarded to Lucky Goldstar (LG) Construction of South Korea BP. TotalFinaElf and ENI are seeking to win contracts for Phases 11 and 12. Statoil has a dialogue with the NIOC on producing separate oil-bearing zones in the South Pars field.
Phases 13 to 14 are under bid from Shell and Repsol.
merci beaucoup à 24H Gold pour sa nouvelle présentation, qui donne accès à l’ensemble des articles du support !
ou en est le projet du gazoduc Iran-Pakistan-Inde (IPI)?
désolée, je n’avais pas vu votre question, je vous tiens au courant.
A mon avis , les récents évenements au Tibet ne sont peut être pas totalement à dissocier.
Successful completion of South Pars phases 4&5 gas field in Iran
Source: 4/16/2005, Location: Middle East
Eni has successfully completed the South Pars phases 4 & 5 gas field development. The project workscope includes: construction and installation of two offshore wellhead platforms, drilling of 24 gas production wells, laying of two 32 sealines (100 km each in length) to transport gas to shore and construction of a gas processing plant at Assaluyeh on the Persian Gulf (250 km south-east of Bushehr).
The completion of South Pars phases 4 & 5 is another important project successfully delivered by Eni and this has been achieved in advance of the schedule defined within the Service Contract – declared Eni
Iranian South Pars field is the northern extension of Qatar’s giant North Field. It covers an area of 500 square miles and is located 3,000m below the seabed at a water depth of 65m. The Iranian side accounts for 10% of the world’s and 60% of Iran’s total gas reserves. Iran’s portion of the field contains an estimated 436 trillion ft³.
The field is planned to be developed in around 30 phases, each of which will require an initial investment of around $1 billion. The first 12 phases of the development are underway and will have the capacity of 1 billion ft³ and 40,000 barrels of condensate per day.
The $770 million development is operated by Petropars (NIOC Pension Fund 60%, Industrial Development and Renovation Organisation 40%). Around $300 million of contracts were signed with Samsung and Sadra. The first stage is slated for early 2003 with a total output of 1bcf/d of gas, 40,000b/d of gas condensates.
The $2 billion development came on stream in 2002. In total, the two identical unmanned platforms, SPD 3 and SPD 4, were placed in 65m of water. Each platform receives gas from ten deviated wells, all located within a radius of 3,000m. The platforms are linked to the onshore treatment system by two 32in diameter, 105km-long multiphase lines. It initially produced 13.5 million ft³/d of gas rising to 60 million ft³/d.
It will eventually be ramped up with the second and third phases of the project to an output of approximately 2bcf/d of natural gas and 80,000b/d of condensates. The field is operated by TotalFinaElf (40%) on behalf of Petronas (30%) and Gazprom (30%).
Phases four and five are expected to be completed by 2006. The field will be operated by ENI (under a buyback contract) with Petropars holding the remaining 40%.
Phases Six to Eight cost a total of $2.65 billion. The field was appraised by a three-well programme in 2001, estimating the field to contain 3 billion ft³/d gas, 120,000b/d condensate and 3,300t/d LPG.
The phase is operated by Statoil on behalf of its Iranian partner Petropars, which is operator for land side of the development. The group will be responsible for constructing three production platforms for installation about 100km from land. It will also lay a 31in pipeline from each of these facilities to a gas treatment plant on the Iranian coast.
Condensate and liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) will be separated from the gas stream at the treatment plant and exported via a new terminal being constructed nearby. The lean gas will be transported through a 500km pipeline to the Agha Jari field for injection as pressure support to help maintain oil production.
Plans call for the first stage of the project to come on stream in late 2004, with the third and final phase due to start production by the summer of 2006.
Phases Nine to 12 were bid for in 2001. The $1.6 billion contract to develop Phases nine and ten was awarded to Lucky Goldstar (LG) Construction of South Korea BP. TotalFinaElf and ENI are seeking to win contracts for Phases 11 and 12. Statoil has a dialogue with the NIOC on producing separate oil-bearing zones in the South Pars field.
Phases 13 to 14 are under bid from Shell and Repsol.