C’est étrange, mais le Royaume-Uni a sa propre ligne Maginot, et l’explosion de la bulle immobilière va épargner les sujets de sa très gracieuse majesté. La Banque centrale anglaise aurait sauvé sa pierre. Hmm…
« Homeowners can breathe a sigh of relief – the UK housing market is now less likely to crash than most other Western countries, according to authoritative new research.
The probability of a house price correction in Britain is now barely one-in-twenty, even if the Bank of England hikes up interest rates in the coming years. » Par contre, les autres pays européens -concernés par la bulle spéculative des dernières années- seraient au bord d’un krach immobilier. Rien que ça. Source : Bank headed off property crash (in UK), says OECD
However, some other countries such as the US, Spain, France and Denmark are perilously close to a crash. »
Pourquoi ?
The OECD research shows that, if prices were to continue rising this year at the same rate as in 2005, and if interest rates rose by a percentage point, Denmark, New Zealand, France and Sweden would be almost certain to suffer a crash, with Danish property owners the most vulnerable.