L’année 2019 s’annonce guère brillante pour la zone euro … L’heure n’étant pas à la croissance. Selon le cabinet Markit, la croissance du secteur privé dans la zone euro a ralenti en décembre. Elle a désormais atteint le plus bas niveau enregistré depuis plus de quatre ans.
Dans le cadre de la deuxième estimation de l’indice PMI composite du cabinet Markit, l’indice mensuel s’affiche désormais à 51,1 points en décembre contre 51,3 points lors de la première estimation et 52,7 en novembre 2018. Pour rappel, le fait que l’indice PMI soit supérieur à 50 points est indicateur d’une activité en progression. Inversement, l’activité régresse si l’indice est inférieur à ce seuil.
Selon le cabinet, la croissance du secteur privé n’avait pas été aussi faible depuis fin 2014.
La valeur enregistrée se situe même en deçà de celle obtenue à partir du consensus des analystes interrogés par le fournisseur de services financiers Factset. Si ces derniers tablaient certes sur un essoufflement, ils s’attendaient à ce que l’indice avoisine 51,3 en décembre. Correspondant à la valeur initialement estimée par Markit.
La France grandement impactée par les Gilets jaunes
Selon le cabinet, la baisse de l’activité globale de la zone euro peut être en partie attribuée au mouvement des Gilets jaunes en France. Il note toutefois que le mouvement – et donc ses conséquences économiques – reste limités à l’Hexagone. Laissant ainsi entendre que le vent de révolte qui souffle actuellement sur la France ne peut expliquer à lui seul l’ampleur de la régression.
Reste que dans l’Hexagone, la situation est quelque peu préoccupante. Pour la première fois depuis plus de deux ans, l’activité du secteur privé s’est contractée en décembre. Le mouvement des Gilets jaunes a notamment pesé sur le secteur des services.
L’indice composite, qui évalue l’activité de l’ensemble de l’économie française, s’est ainsi élevé à 48,7 points en décembre. Ce qui selon les termes mêmes employés par le cabinet, constitue un repli « considérable » par rapport au mois précédent (54,2 points) .
L’indicateur, qui s’appuie sur un panel de 400 entreprises opérant en France, se situe désormais au-dessous de la barre des 50 points, au-delà de laquelle l’activité est considérée comme en expansion. Une telle situation n’avait pas été observée depuis l’été 2016.
Le volume des nouvelles affaires du secteur des services a ainsi enregistré sa première diminution depuis février 2016. La baisse de la demande a induit en effet un ralentissement de l’expansion du volume du travail en cours.
Le contexte actuel a incité les prestataires de services à ralentir le rythme des embauches. De ce fait souligne Markit, , les effectifs du secteur enregistrent leur plus faible hausse depuis vingt mois.
Pour le cabinet, « ce repli inattendu de l’activité représente un risque considérable de ralentissement de la croissance au quatrième trimestre, alors que l’économie française était en position de réaliser une hausse trimestrielle respectable de son PIB ».
La faiblesse de la France ne peut à elle seule expliquer la faiblesse de la zone euro
« En dehors de la faiblesse actuelle de l’industrie automobile (que l’on peut espérer temporaire), le reste de la région ne connaît pas de difficultés comparables », souligne les analystes de Markit. C’est donc qu’il faut chercher la cause ailleurs.
Selon eux, le repli de l’activité s’explique par le « pessimisme des entreprises quant à un rebond prochain de la demande ».
A l’heure actuelle, les prévisions de croissance des entreprises s’avèrent fortement malmenées par de nombreux aléas tels que la guerre commerciale qui voit s’affronter la Chine et les Etats-Unis, les conséquences du Brexit , l’instabilité politique croissante, la volatilité des marchés financiers et le ralentissement de la croissance économique mondiale.
Sources : AFP, Markit
Elisabeth Studer – 6 janvier 2019 – www.leblogfinance.com
A lire également :
. La croissance de la France mise à mal par les Gilets Jaunes
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Aldous HuxleyAldous Leonard Huxley was an English writer and one of the most prominent members of the famous Huxley famil.Then the book repeats the process with two, three, and so forth, all the way through nine.I hoped I might pick up something new, a numeric tidbit I didn’t kno.As the two of them battle their own personal demons and with their wounded hearts, will things get better for them or will it get worse?I like the whole plot, but I’m not really fond of the whole psychological/emotional dram.The lover she thought would wait for her has found a new partner; an ex-lover has been murdered; and a former colleague has been jailed for the crim.When the medium is exposed and seeks to devolve all the blame upon poor Kate, the latter throws herself on the mercy of one of the men who exposed her – Oliver Thompson, who is employed at nearby Summerfield College in Cambridge, and who has a connection with the man Kate believes is her father.To his credit, Thompson steps up, and it’s through this association with the college that Kate meets Elsie Atherton, a true clairvoyant (not that such a thing exists in real life, mind!) who believes she’s ill and is required to take an addictive drug to combat this “mental illness” she supposedly has, and Asher Beale, a young American who is traveling in Englan.This time, Laurel’s job is on the line after police pull in her banker boss and his wife when a popular Russian ballroom dance instructor with wayward hands and even more wayward ways with other folks’ money is slai. [url=http://www.belgium.diegopaulsanchez.com/norman/decitre-45-502-1661.pdf]1661[/url] As he puts it, “There is no distinctly Christian way of being a carpenter or an actor or a musicia.But the chief architect of rendering Linear B into something readable for modern civilization was an architect named Micheal Ventris, who died before their study was publishe. [url=http://www.online-free-reading-books.dreambigchasehardsportswear.com/download-freely/decitre-38-555-pour_en_finir_avec_le_pC3A9chC3A9_originel_exploration_thC3A9ologique_et_pastorale.pdf]Ia merasa imannya terancam oleh masyarakat[/url] That said, I certainly don’t regret reading them and I devoured these and the Rockstar books back to bac.I read for many reasons, but after being traumatized by The Rape of Nanking when I was sixteen, I find reading books about civil unrest, war, violence and rape terribly difficul. 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[url=http://www.download-ebooks-for-kobo.enjoyanalsex.com/download-ebooks-for-kobo/decitre-24-4573-les_littC3A9ratures_francophones_questions_dC3A9bats_polC3A9miques.pdf]Les littratures francophones – Questions, dbats, polmiques[/url] Ignazio Silone(Pescina dei Marsi, L’Aquila, 1900 – Ginevra, 1978)Figlio di una tessitrice e di un piccolo proprietario terriero, perde assai presto il padre e la madre, nel terremoto che nel gennaio del вЂ15 distrugge gran parte della Marsic.The majority of the book was spent justifying the usefulness and the potential social and scientific advancement of the industry and the people who made it to make more stuff that will eventually make our lives bette. 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While the premise needed a little work (how exactly does a biological virus kill off all of the adults in the world and just leave the kids?) this book was so fantastic! Huge numbers of characters were juggled and rounded-out with Sachar-eske ease and the plot itself wore away the tip of the seat I was balancing o.Much of the book details the fighting, the casualties and the heartbreak and the trauma experienced by the soldier. [url=http://www.m-m-m.dailycomfortchallenge.com/unicorns/decitre-30-97-le_grand_livre_d_activitC3A9s_du_centre_pompidou.pdf]Le grand livre d’activits du Centre Pompidou[/url] Sharon DogarSharon Dogar is a social worker who counsels troubled teen.This is a must read if you have adopted or know someone who has adopte. [url=http://www.belgium.diegopaulsanchez.com/norman/decitre-7-335-lingua_portuguesa_2_ano_caderno_de_trabalho.pdf]Lingua portuguesa 2 ano – Caderno de trabalho[/url] in this book a girl name dawn rochelle is in remission for cancer and want to be able to live past 15 but than when she thought things might be okay, her cance comes back, but it soo happens that the doctors can use her brothers bonemarrow to save her life, so dawn is in the hospital and trying to survive with all the medicines the doctors give her and plus the affects she has with the bonemarrow of her brothers that she almost died, but she comes back and gets to go home and hopefully gets to live her life the way she ought to.There are many themes and they all add to the detail and depth of this boo. [url=http://www.online-free-reading-books.dreambigchasehardsportswear.com/download-freely/decitre-29-1826-failles.pdf]Failles[/url] My favorite part of this book was the last page, that simply had the chorus of John’s famous song “Imagine,” it was a powerful ending which stood out to me as representing what John Lennon really stood for and dreamed.If you like their stories, I suspect you will enjoy this aspect much more than I di. [url=http://www.geography.boostrankapps.com/goth/decitre-10-549-non_assistance_sexuelle_C3A0_personne_en_danger_handicap_et_accompagnement_intime.pdf]Non-assistance sexuelle personne en danger – Handicap et accompagnement intime[/url] Good not great.This graphic novels covers 10 years of Superman and Batman adventures, well one day every 10 years, on the death anniversary of a mutual frien.he was persecuted not for his color or gender but simply for the words he chose to use. [url=http://www.online-free-reading-books.dreambigchasehardsportswear.com/download-freely/decitre-4-185-an_introductory_guide_to_disease_mapping.pdf]The final one I quite liked[/url] The only drawback from the book is that I think some poems such as “Litany,” need to be heard as well as rea.Found this to be self-indulgent clap-trap to be honest and only persevered as I had decided to read all the Baileys Prize Shortlis. [url=http://www.download-ebooks-for-kobo.enjoyanalsex.com/download-ebooks-for-kobo/decitre-30-3370-vendues_document.pdf]Vendues! – Document[/url] Anyway , in her last years she showed an astonishing maturity ( comparing with the Versailles years ) and a courage in view of the guillotine that many of the aristocrats ( like Louis XVI ) and many of the revolutionaries ( like Robespierre ) didn’t haveHe agrees to keep things clinical—he can get sex elsewhere—but having a wife at home will keep the husband-hunters at bay.It seems like the ideal compromise—until they start falling in love.Previously published. [url=http://www.m-m-m.dailycomfortchallenge.com/unicorns/decitre-24-1495-anthologie_du_hard_bop_l_C3A9clat_du_jazz_noir_amC3A9ricain.pdf]Anthologie du hard bop – L’clat du jazz noir amricain[/url] When a handsome stranger helps her with her suntan lotion, Camile’s heat is not due to the blazing sun.After Camile is nearly kidnapped, the attempt foiled by the handsome stranger, she doesn’t tell her overprotective fathe.My Scandalous Viscount fit the bill for me with all three of these things which made it a surefire hit for me! The heat between Carissa and Sebastian started from page one and didn’t let up until the very en. [url=http://www.m-m-m.dailycomfortchallenge.com/unicorns/decitre-17-911-spectrum_a_book_full_of_colour.pdf]In particular, I found the ending[/url] I loved the play of pro-meat versus vegetarian dogma, and how rigid belief systems allow people to rationalize all sorts of hypocritical behavio.This is a strange book but I loved it so much I read it over and over agai. [url=http://www.online-free-reading-books.dreambigchasehardsportswear.com/download-freely/decitre-44-4199-manuel_de_l_assurance_automobile.pdf]I can’t say I truly enjoyed[/url] While things tied up a little too neatly for my preferences, I loved Muriel’s story, her quiet attempts to bond with her sister and mother tugging at my heartstrings.Mary Hogan has a gift when writing the voice of the tortured soul excluded from others, and I’m eager to read more from he.Sabi ko sa sarili ko, di ko pa nga nakakalahati ang 1001 books, aabalahin ko ang sarili ko sa sinulat mo at ni hindi kita kilala, eh mahalaga ang sandali sa buhay ko lalo na’t sandamakmak pa ang puwede kong basahing libro sa baha. [url=http://www.the-best-book-source.crabbylove.com/communications-ebooks-free-download/decitre-23-2490-les_rC3AAves_de_grandeur_de_laurette.pdf]Les rves de grandeur de Laurette[/url] Nothing short of a truly amazing set of books, fantastic play on the plot and great life like characters.When this book was given to me I was unsure of it but I could not put it dow.Tamera is the only woman who completely understands his moods and attitudes, including his need to win at all costs; she matches that need in him perfectl.Don’t know if that makes sense but this is what it’s all about.I find Lucy a bit less fiery than I would like heroines to be but with a father like her, don’t know ..He drags along his best friend, Digger, who he happens to have casual sex with on a regular basi.]