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  1. HKEx News Release
    Updated: 25 June 2008
    Trading in Securities and Derivatives Markets will Resume at 2:30pm after Lowering Typhoon Signal No. 8 before noon
    Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) announced that trading in the securities and derivatives markets will resume from 2:30pm after the lowering of Typhoon Signal No. 8. HIBOR and Three-year EFN futures’ afternoon trading session will open at 1:30 pm.
    When the securities market resumes trading, there will be no pre-opening session. For those futures contracts to which the pre-opening session applies, the pre-opening session will commence 30 minutes before trading resumes, i.e., from 2:00pm.
    For the details of arrangements for trading, and clearing and settlement during typhoons and black rainstorms, please refer to the rule books and summary table, which can be accessed via the Trading Information box on the HKEx website at http://www.hkex.com.hk.

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