Comment la spéculation immobilière a entraîné un sans le sou dans des dérives de crédit.
Casey Serin (born September 10, 1982) is a real estate speculator and blogger. In a newspaper article, USA Today called him the « poster child for everything that went wrong in the real estate boom ». In his early twenties, Serin was working as a PHP script programmer for Pride Industries, but he decided to quit this job to pursue his dream of becoming financially independent through real estate investments. Beginning in October 2005 and continuing through the following year, Serin purchased eight houses in various U.S. states, and then began blogging about the process of facing foreclosure on the properties he was unable to resell. Source : Wikipédia
Goodbye Mr. Housing bubble, l’horreur des saisies en image
Ayons une pensée pour les victimes de la spéculation immobilière