Israël va acheter du gaz de Palestine à British Gas

Israel_palestine_pipelineLe gouvernement israélien s’est prononcé dimanche pour l’achat de gaz naturel auprès de l’opérateur britannique British Gas, concessionnaire d’un gisement palestinien, selon une source officielle.

Ce changement de politique israélienne est très révélateur, estime le journal « Israël Valley » : les américains ont demandé aux israéliens de calmer le jeu et de montrer des signes de bonne volonté.

« Le gouvernement a décidé dimanche de coopérer avec British Gas », a indiqué à l’AFP sans autre précision le bureau du Premier ministre Ehud Olmert. « Si un contrat en ce sens est finalisé, il pourra rapporter à l’Autorité palestinienne des dividendes se montant à des dizaines de millions de dollars par an », a de son côté estimé la radio de l’armée israélienne. Elle a ajouté que plusieurs ministres, notamment Avigdor Lieberman (Affaires stratégiques), du parti d’extrême droite Israël Beiténou, ont voté contre ce projet présenté par M. Olmert.

Un gisement de gaz de 40 milliards de m3 a été découvert en 1999-2000 au large du littoral de la bande de Gaza, et d’âpres négociations ont depuis lors été menées en vue de sa distribution en Israël. British gas, géant mondial, a obtenu une concession de 20 ans pour les champs de « Gaza Maritime », en partenariat avec Consolidated Contractors company (CCC), société des puissantes familles palestiniennes Khoury-Sabbagh.

Un autre gisement de gaz, dont les réserves sont estimées à 22 milliards de m3, a été découvert en 2000 au large du littoral méditerranéen d’Israël à la hauteur d’Ashkelon, au sud de Tel-Aviv.

Pour des raisons politiques, économiques et géostratégiques, Israël cherche à diversifier ses sources d’approvisionnements en gaz naturel, notamment auprès de la société russe Gazprom, leader mondial dans son domaine.

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(9 commentaires)

  1. Cabinet approves gas sales from Gaza
    Government approves Olmert’s proposal to cooperate with British Gas and its Palestinian partner, CCC
    Tanny Goldstein
    The government approved Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s proposal to buy natural gas from the Palestinian Authority, Sunday, as part of a move to increase cooperation with foreign countries that pump natural gas from along Gaza’s sea line.
    The deal would provide tens of millions of dollars in revenue to the Palestinian Authority.
    The decision was supported by 21 cabinet members. Three ministers

  2. Dear Beloved one,
    l am happy to request for your assistance because I believe that you are not going to betray the trust which I am going to lay on you, Hope all is well with you and other members of your family.
    My name is
    Miss Jasika Coulibaly
    21 years old and the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs Coulibaly. My father was a highly reputable business magnet-(a cocoa merchant) who operated in the capital of Ivory Coast during his days. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad on 12th.November 2005.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that time, but God knows the truth!
    Though I have not meet with you before but I believe, one has to risk confiding in succeed sometimes in life. There is this huge amount of Eight million U.S dollars ($8m) which my late Father Mr. Issa Coulibaly kept in a suspense account with one of the famous financial bank here in Abidjan . My father told me that I should not let any of our relations to know about this because he was killed by them and if they know about it, that they will do nothing but to kill me in other to take hold of every thing, He told me that I should seek for a foreign partner abroad who will help me to transfer money overseas and also travel with him or her in other to continue my Live and Education and also to start a Business relationship with the person whom can take care of me in the future
    I am just 21 years old and a university undergraduate and really don’t know what to do. This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast. The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life, my dear, I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards and your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded.
    Now permit me to ask these few questions:
    1. Can I completely trust you?
    2. Can you accept me as your own blood Sister (Or Daughter)?
    3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you?
    Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible with your full assurance that you will not disappoint me in this issue so that I can give you the contact of the bank where my late Father deposited the fund for you to contact them on how to transfer it to you in your country.
    Thank you so much for your understanding and may almighty God bless you and your Family to the Glory of God Almighty,
    My sincere regards,
    Miss .Jasika Coulibaly

  3. jasika coulibaly
    21 août 08 17:26:02
    Dear Beloved one,
    l am happy to request for your assistance because I believe that you are not going to betray the trust which I am going to lay on you, Hope all is well with you and other members of your family.
    My name is
    Miss Jasika Coulibaly
    21 years old and the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs Coulibaly. My father was a highly reputable business magnet-(a cocoa merchant) who operated in the capital of Ivory Coast during his days. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad on 12th.November 2005.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that time, but God knows the truth!
    Though I have not meet with you before but I believe, one has to risk confiding in succeed sometimes in life. There is this huge amount of Eight million U.S dollars ($8m) which my late Father Mr. Issa Coulibaly kept in a suspense account with one of the famous financial bank here in Abidjan . My father told me that I should not let any of our relations to know about this because he was killed by them and if they know about it, that they will do nothing but to kill me in other to take hold of every thing, He told me that I should seek for a foreign partner abroad who will help me to transfer money overseas and also travel with him or her in other to continue my Live and Education and also to start a Business relationship with the person whom can take care of me in the future
    I am just 21 years old and a university undergraduate and really don’t know what to do. This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast. The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life, my dear, I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards and your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded.
    Now permit me to ask these few questions:
    1. Can I completely trust you?
    2. Can you accept me as your own blood Sister (Or Daughter)?
    3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you?
    Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible with your full assurance that you will not disappoint me in this issue so that I can give you the contact of the bank where my late Father deposited the fund for you to contact them on how to transfer it to you in your country.
    Thank you so much for your understanding and may almighty God bless you and your Family to the Glory of God Almighty,
    My sincere regards,
    Miss .Jasika Coulibaly

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