La bulle immobilière dégonfle comme la bulle Internet aux USA

U87786868Je lis régulièrement le New York Times, et voilà sur quoi je viens de tomber ! J’ai aussi des amis qui vivent dans l’Orange county, considérée comme la commune la plus riche aux USA. Et à la fin de l’article on compare la bulle immobilière avec la bulle Internet de 1999-2000.

« Even in affluent Orange County, Calif., the growing wealth of executives and brokers in the booming mortgage industry was hard to miss. For Kal Elsayed, a former executive at New Century Financial, a large lender based in Irvine, driving a red convertible Ferrari to work at a company that provided home loans to people with low incomes and weak credit might have appeared ostentatious, he now acknowledges. But, he says, that was nothing compared with the private jets that executives at other companies had. Source : Mortgage Crisis Spirals, and Casualties Mount

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