Immobilier : en Chine, le ralentissement se poursuit

C88767575« Since it opened in October last year, the waterfront development has failed to attract a single buyer for any of its 74 apartments. The situation is so desperate that Tomson has decided to put a second block out to global public tender.

Even so, analysts say, the price is unlikely to rise for several years. They blame it on an optimistic initial valuation of £8,200 a sq metre. Others blame a housing market swamped with swanky apartment blocks and luxury villas. In a single week last month, residential prices in Shanghai fell 10%. » Source : Fruit of the boom threatens to push China’s economy out of control

Japon : reprise immobilière, étouffée dans l’oeuf pour cause de démographie

Au Japon, l’économie redémarre, et l’immobilier ?

Le krack immobilier japonais effraie par les USA