Maisons à vendre aux USA

U87786868Voilà un site génial pour suivre l’immobilier US : « The web site provides current information about single family homes for sale by the U.S. Federal Government ».

« These previously owned homes are for sale by public auction or other method depending on the property. Anyone can buy a home for sale by the U.S. Government, but you must work with a real estate agent, broker or servicing representative to submit an offer or bid. Currently the U.S. Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Agriculture (USDA/Rural Development), and Veterans Affairs (VA) have homes listed on this site. »    Learn how to buy them. Source :

Immobilier : les mauvais chiffres américains de novembre 2005

Chiffres USA de novembre 2005 : les reventes de logements chutent de 1,7%

Chiffres USA de novembre 2005 : niveau record de stocks depuis 20 ans

(5 commentaires)

  1. Marie va être contente,
    On doit construire beaucoup de maisons « Poenix » en Arizona!

  2. Que les non-anglophones me pardonnent pour cet édifiant éditorial du NYT par un excellent (économiste)
    Call me Eeyore. While I don’t share Mr. Roubini’s certainty, I see his point: housing has been the main engine of U.S. economic growth over the past three years, and with that engine now going into reverse, it’s hard to see how we can avoid a serious slowdown.

  3. Que les non-anglophones me pardonnent pour cet édifiant éditorial du NYT par l’excellent (économiste) Paul Krugman :
    Call me Eeyore. While I don’t share Mr. Roubini’s certainty, I see his point: housing has been the main engine of U.S. economic growth over the past three years, and with that engine now going into reverse, it’s hard to see how we can avoid a serious slowdown.

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