Selon des sources syndicales, les salariés-France de NYSE-Euronext, l’opérateur de la Bourse de Paris pourraient faire grève le 29 janvier prochain. Raison de leur mécontentement : la suppression prévue d’une centaine d’emplois.
Cet appel s’intègre à la journée de mobilisation interprofessionnelle prévue à cette date en France par tous les syndicats. L’objectif annoncé étant de défendre l’emploi et le pouvoir d’achat des salariés.
L’ensemble des syndicats de Nyse-Euronext (CFDT, CFTC, CFE-CGC, CGT, FO, SPI) appellent à un rassemblement dans le hall de la société en milieu de matinée, rue Cambon, et à une manifestation dans l’après-midi pour « dénoncer la politique menée par la direction générale » a -t-il été précisé.
Rappelons que dans le cadre d’un plan de restructuration de ses activités en Europe, le groupe boursier avait annoncé fin octobre « une réduction nette des effectifs de 200 personnes d’ici la fin de l’année 2009″, afin de réduire ses charges d’exploitation fixes. Des mesures qu’il avait également justifié par une baisse 32,6% du bénéfice net au troisième 2008, ce dernier s’élevant alors à 174 millions de dollars.
Selon la CGT, une centaine de départs sont prévus dans l’Hexagone ainsi que la fermeture des délégations régionales, la suppression de fonctions commerciales et des transferts d’activités informatiques. Ce que les représentants du personnel traduisent par une volonté des dirigeants de se concentrer sur le coeur de métier, à savoir le service aux entreprises.
Mais selon eux,
Je connais cette société et ca a toujours été vers plus de concentration: le gros mange le petit.
Paris a mangé Bruxelles et Amsterdam. Londres (liffe) a commencé à bouffer Paris même si c’est Euronext qui a racheté le liffe. Et le nyse s’est emparé de l’ensemble.
La société Atos Origin est une société faible avec de tres mauvaises ressources humaines. L’humain pour une ssii c’est comme le petrole pour Total.
Du point de vue metier Atos est donc mauvais mais en plus ses actionnaires influents sont des fonds anglo saxon. Avec la chute de la bourse l’année derniere, la vente de leur parts dans aems leur a permis de compenser.
Bref, à l’ouest rien de nouveau, la France perd ses grosses entreprises petit à petit et est incapable de créer des start up à l’image de ce que fait Israel.
Ah oui petite précision.
Nyse-Euronext pourrait être tenté de concentrer ses serveurs de cotation européens en un seul lieu. Probablement, soit Paris, soit Londres.
Pour les banques et hedges fund les temps de latence avec les serveurs de cotation sont tres importants: recevoir un cours le premier ou passer un ordre le premier. Meme si il existe une regle d’equité. Les acteurs financiers sont toujours interessés par gagner quelques millisecondes supplementaires par rapport au voisin.
Une grande banque suisse avait considéré Paris comme stratégique au même titre que Londres car ils tradaient plus rapidement sur les marchés de cash.
Par conséquent si les serveurs de cotation étaient hébergés à Londres, les banques seraient tentées de déplacer une partie plus grande de leur salles de marché à Londres et les emplois qui vont avec.
Aie , effectivement , j’ai l’impression que les temps sont durs cotes conséquence du personnel informatique
Quel est le niveau de salaires du cote de Londres ?
management in paris was completely and utterly destroyed
It’s time I talked a bit about my stay at NYSE, now that I’ve cooled down a bit. There won’t be anything really technical here, though it might still prove to be a useful read. There’s a lot of passion, and a bunch of swearing. Oh well.
I’m not exactly sure how I want to approach this. I still have friends there. Friends that I hope won’t have to go looking for new jobs. I also have a friend in management that I don’t want to offend.
As I’ve said previously, the project that I was on was canceled. Management in NY was canned/resigned/demoted, whatever the real story is I’m sure they won’t tell. Doesn’t matter, in the court of public opinion they got what they deserved, and management in Paris apparently won the political battle that was going on.
Anyway, I think there are many reasons for the project failing.
· The QA team in Paris was by far the most appalling thing I have EVER seen in my 7 years in the industry. There are three possible reasons for this…
1. They intentionally sabotaged the project.
2. They are completely incompetent
3. Both
I think I chose Both. The entire QA team needs to be replaced immediately. Especially the QA manager, John Sandifer. This guy is a complete joke. And, I hope he reads this, and I hope people in Euronext read this, and I hope people in NYSE read this. I could have run that whole team infinitely better than John Sandifer, and I’m a developer. I offered my help. I offered to write automated tests. I offered so much, and it was turned away each time I offered. This fool couldn’t even come up with any valid Fix messages that he was using for testing. In 8 months they wrote ZERO automated tests. NYSE management needs to have deliverables. Somehow, this sleezebag slipped through the cracks and had no deliverables, and was able to blame everything on everyone else. Interesting, policitally, but, total scum.
· Management in NY was a complete disaster.
In some sense, I do understand what the management in NY was up against. They were fighting a political battle with total backstabbing assholes in Paris. That said though, they also seemed to make the wrong choices at every turn.
o They ignored the developers. The development team had been pushing for a year to rewrite TCM from the ground in parallel, because it was so terrible that it would eventually fall over under its own weight. Management chose to ignore that, knowing the risk. If you choose to rewrite, things take longer, but you minimize risk. If you choose not to, and it fails, you’re fucked. Well guess what, it failed. Hard.
o They forced us to lie about the project timeline, and said many times, « Make it Fit », when it came to building the schedule.
o They worked the dev’s until 11pm every night.
These aren’t the only mistakes they made however. This list is long. I will continue the list later, as I will have a slightly different spin, not necessarily related to this project.
· Management in Paris was even worse, by far.
I don’t even think I can begin to describe how bad the situation was in Paris. They don’t care about software. God…they care about politicking and the likes. I can’t even begin to describe how incompetent these people really are when it comes to software. They spent all their time scheming and strategizing – « whats the best way to fuck over the team in NY so that we come out of this looking good », and they spent no time actually working on software.
The only people that I think deserve some credit are the guys in NY who did work their asses off, constantly. The dev team, and the product managers. These guys are smart, smart guys who work really hard, and should have been listened to far more.
Random Thought That Must Be Said
Now, I’d like to present some random thoughts that may or may not be like a mad scientist spitting out a crazy idea.
I think when TransactTools was purchased, they knew that they were sitting on a pile of shit that they called software. They knew they were never going to be able to do anything with it, and so all they did was ride it as long as they could, into the sunset, until it all fell over. They got out everything out of it they could. Like some old junker car, taking it to the last mile. Only, they knew that when the car died, it was going to explode, and they chose not to get out. Maybe they are like a captain that goes down with their ship, I don’t know. It was their ship. They sold it to NYSE. Maybe that had no choice but to say it was good software, and not rewrite it, because if they did, what the heck did NYSE purchase them for? 10 million dollars for experience? Eh, maybe, but doubtful. It wasn’t a risk that Transact Tools management was willing to take.
More Politics
Somehow, Stanley Young, the CEO of AEMS (the worst development organization I’ve ever seen), came out as the new Sheriff, in charge of NYSE technologies. ATS is entirely gone. This all happened pretty fast. Danny Moore and Sam Johnson both messed this one up as I can see. Both guys wanted the throne, it seems, and while they were fighting each other trying to get their first, wrestling, tripping each other, slowing each other down, and the guy who should absolutely not be in charge, walked right on by them, sat down on the thrown, and then, being in charge of the daemons, summoned them to attack.
Now For Developers in NY
The one good thing that has come out of this is that Murray White, who used to run ThoughtWorks North America, is now running the show in NY. I have a huge amount of respect for Murray. I think hes a fantastic guy, and I think hes the right guy to have in that position. Former management always told me to shut up when I’d tell them that Murray was the smartest guy in the room.
Also, Steve Berman is running development, and hes a smart guy who has patience, and the respect of the developers. I hope he can do a good job.
That said, can they overcome the damage done by former management? Here is what I honestly think. I don’t know… I really don’t. And since I don’t know, if I was in the position of a developer, I’d start looking for a new job.
Here are some of my thoughts on why. And, to be sure, I’ve thought about this long and hard, and I’ve taken time to calm down from my departure, and I think these are all very thoughtful reasons. Maybe things have changed since I left, but when I left:
· We were doing nothing interesting technically.
· We were not learning anything as a team.
· There was no prospect of ever working on anything fun.
· There was no career development there whatsoever. What a joke.
· Management didn’t give a shit about the developers.
· Management never listened to the developers.
· Management would blame the best (most experienced, most knowledgeable) developer (me) for problems, and yell at them for leaving before 9pm on a Friday night. F that!
· Management put the wrong people in charge of technology. Period.
I told management that they were the ones causing the morale problems. They somehow tried to blame the morale problems on me. Told me to drink the kool-aid. If anything, I think the developers there respected me for taking a stand and not staying late on Friday nights. Screw that! I also think the dev’s respect me for not putting up with that shit, and just leaving.
Now here is where I say what I’ve really wanted to get to, and it might come as a suprise to some.
I would give the current management a chance. I would wait it out. But, I would also hold them to the highest possible standards. I would say, « you need to keep doing interesting, up to date work ». You know why? Because there are jobs out there guys. There are good jobs out there, where you can work on interesting things, and not have to get fucked by management, and not have to work insane hours, and get to learn things on the job. I know, I have one.
You DO NOT have to put up with it. I would get my resume together, and force management to give you what you deserve! You work too hard to not. This is exactly what I did and it’s worked out fantastically. By the way, what you deserve is what the market dictates you deserve, not what management tells you that you deserve. They tried this on me too many times. So, figure out what you want, and what you really deserve, walk in and tell management that this is what you deserve, and if they don’t give it to you, then just leave, who gives a rats ass?
I was going to end it there, which seemed like a perfect place to end it, but then I decided I want to give an example.
I told management I wasn’t going to stay after 5 on Fridays unless:
1. They gave me a 63k raise
2. I got one day a week where I could do whatever I want
3. I got 5 direct reports
4. I was rolled off of CCG immediately
They told me no on every single thing. Maybe my demands were a bit extreme, but it really was what it would have taken to get me to stay in that hellhole. As it turned out, I got some of those things, and a lot more. They tried to call my bluff, and I was NOT bluffing. Not even close. And, I LOVE my new job. I’m doing all sorts of fantastic stuff. I even got to work from home all day yesterday, just reading and learning, and watching videos, getting ready to work on some stuff we have coming up. How great is that?
I kind of feel like Braveheart, telling management, « Before we let you leave (or in my case, in order to get me to stay), your commander must cross that battlefield, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own ass ».
And shortly thereafter, management was completely and utterly destroyed.
management in paris was completely and utterly destroyed Oliver Blot, Sandrine Castel … fuck !!!
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